Organization Details

Name: Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA)


Description: Grant | The Seed Capital Assistance Facility (SCAF) provides financial support for low-carbon projects on a cost-sharing and co-financing basis through three Support Lines. Support Line 1 (SL1) and Support Line 2 (SL2) are linked financing instruments that are deployed together as part of a framework agreement for a pipeline of projects over a 3+ year period. SL1 provides grants to help companies increase their project pipeline while delivering capacity building at the local level. SL2 provides co-financing in the form of conditional grants, which cover eligible activities of up to 50%. The co-financing helps cover development costs and get seeded projects to financial close. SL2 grants must be reimbursed at financial close of the project; co-funding from SL1 does not need to be reimbursed.

HQ: Ivory Coast

ESG Category: None

Country Active: -

Financial Instrument: -

Organization Type: -

Projects: -

Organizations: -


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