Organization Details

Name: Clean Energy and Energy Inclusion for Africa Foundation (CEI Africa) – RBF window


Description: The Clean Energy and Energy Inclusion for Africa Foundation (CEI Africa) was established by KfW on behalf of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development with additional funding from the Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation to improve access to energy for rural households and enterprises in Sub-Saharan Africa. CEI Africa supports the delivery of climate-friendly electricity by financing green mini-grid developers and off-grid solar companies through two investment windows and multiple types of investments combined with technical assistance. The RBF window of CEI Africa, managed by GreenMax Capital Group, offers RBF grants and technical assistance to green mini-grid developers in Sub-Saharan Africa under two components – “Conventional RBF” which provides grants for verified new connections, and “Smart Outcomes” which provides grants for productive use of energy.

HQ: Nigeria

ESG Category: None

Country Active: -

Financial Instrument: -

Organization Type: -

Projects: -

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